How To Lose Fat Without Counting Calories


Have you read this post ???


Because if you haven’t then none of what I’m

about to tell you matters


I want to start this off by saying not for one

second am I saying that calories don’t matter

because they 100% do. If you eat too many

calories you will not get any results (unless

of course you’re trying to gain weight)


What I am saying is the method of counting

calories doesn’t work for everyone


Whether you’re just starting out and it feels

like too much


Or you’ve been doing this a while and just

don’t like the idea of counting calories because

it stresses you out


There is another way, because you absolutely need

to control how much food you’re having if you want

to get results


There are a few things to cover so lets dive right in

Eat as much healthy food as you want


Eat at as much bad food as you want just

count calories…


Make sure you hit your macros


Eat carbs


Don’t eat carbs


Eat fats


Don’t eat fats


Paleo, Atkins, weight watchers…..Ahhhhhhhhhhh



See where I’m going with this?


There’s so much nutrition advice out there where

the hell does someone start?


Well in my humble and correct opinion it’s with

how much food you eat AND with food quality


You can count calories/macros all you want,

but if your food quality is shit your health

will plummet


Likewise you can fix food quality and eat too

much food and still not get any results


People always try to prioritise one over the

other……you need both, we’re gonna start

with vvvvvvv


Food Quality










Low quality food = shitty health = rebound weight gain


So what the hell do I mean? The quality of food

just means how many nutrients/vitamins are

in it and what it’s made up of, simples


So here’s how you fix it:


“Eat 1 Ingredient Foods As Often As Possible”


Think about this…..


Meat(steak, lean beef, turkey, chicken etc…)

Fish (tuna, salmon, mackerel, prawns, cod etc….)

Eggs/Egg Whites

Veggies/fruit/nuts/avocado/potatoes/rice etc…..


The only ingredient is the actual food


That’s a good sign of quality


So if you pick up some food in a supermarket,

look at the ingredients and there’s 85 different

ones [some of which don’t even look like words]

then it’s prob not an ideal option to consume



Now that doesn’t mean you can’t have those foods,

it just means they should be the minority and not

the majority


Anyone who follows me, particularly on snapchat

knows I love a good pick & mix & I wouldn’t stop

having them for anything or anyone, you just

have to be smart about it


If you act like a kid in Christmas morning every

time then you’re flushing your results down the



So here’s what ya need to do:


80–90% of the time eat good quality foods


It doesn’t have to be 1 ingredient foods but

they should make up the majority & other foods

should have as few ingredients as possible (yogurt,

dark chocolate, protein powder etc…)


10% of the time have the foods you truly love.


That’s it!!!!! Do that and you will be off to a

flying start


The only way you can go wrong is if 10% turns

into 40%, show some restraint it’s not Christmas

morning every time ya eat junk food





This falls into quality as well


Sprite had it right, apart from their unhealthy

product, but the slogan is good


Water is unavoidable for everybody in life


It doesn’t matter what your goal is, you need

water and lots of it


What Does It Do?


Your body is mostly water so it helps with a lot

of bodily functions


Hunger is very often mistaken for thirst as they

feel very similar. Keeping your water up can

help keep you feeling full for longer


Having skin trouble? Water can clear that up


If you don’t drink it you will die


More energy, better mood, better performance,

fat loss and even more


What more do you need?


Where do I get it?


Water water water


You do have other options as straight water

can get boring


First up is adding fruit to your water. It can be

lime, lemon, berries, mint, watermelon, citrus

fruits or whatever you want


After that you have a few options, BUT they

do not count towards your intake.


They are just to help you break the taste of water

if you need too


Green tea, herbal teas, vit hits


^^^^these are all additions give you a break

from water. They do not replace water in any

way shape or form (my mam used to always

say that)


How Much Do I Need?


This is simple, 30–40ml per kg of body weight


This is a baseline, if you’re active you need more.


Anything Else?


Yup one last thing, there are other things you can

drink too. Again they don’t count towards your

water intake & can become addictive easily so ya

gotta be careful


Coffee, Monster Zero (not to be confused with full

monster), other zero cal drinks like diet drinks,

lucozade zero etc…..


Yes I’m aware that they have artificial sweeteners

and guess what? There is actually no solid

research to prove that they cause any health

damage long term


The research is very conflicting & inconclusive

at best


Now like anything if you go nuts and have

too much chances are you’ll do damage


But if you sort your food quality 90% of the

time then the majority of your intake will be

high quality and you’ll be fine


You should at any stage be able to go without

coffee/monster & other caffeine drinks and be

completely fine


Otherwise you’re an addict


Portion Control


Like I said at the start, we need food quality &

to control how much food you eat


That doesn’t mean you have to count calories


There’s more than one way to skin a cat


^^^^stupid expression, why would you

skin a cat?


Anyways, so here’s how we’ll do it






So Protein is the first of the macros that we

will cover


Don’t worry it is in no way as complicated as

people think


Macros is short for macro-nutrients and the 3

main ones are Proteins, Carbs & Fats


Protein is first up because it is the most

important of the 3 for your results….


What does it do?


Protein helps build lean muscle or stop muscle

loss if you’re trying to lose weight


YES ladies you do want this, no you won’t get

big and bulky unless you’re taking steroids. If

that’s the case then don’t be selfish and share


It also helps you feel full for longer, fights off

hunger, helps you recover from workouts

quicker and lots lots more


Where do I get it?


This is so simple;


Lean meat, fish, fowl, eggs, egg whites, dairy &

protein shakes are all good sources


Be careful of foods that claim to be “high

protein sources” when really they’re not

(nuts & beans). Not that those foods are bad

for you its just they’re not as high in

protein as they claim


How much do I need?


There’s 2 answers to this one & I MASSIVELY

(get it, massively & its capitalised? I’m so funny)

believe that everyone should start with the



Men – have 2 palm sized portions with every meal

(this will be about 40-60g)


Women – have 2 Palm sized portions

at every meal (this will be about 30-40g)


Snacks – you can use protein bars(sparingly),

protein shakes or 0% fat yogurt as snacks if

you’d like to boost it even more


I want to be clear that this is an awesome

starting point and will get you very far,

but there’s one more thing I think everyone

should do at least once


And that’s answer number 2


Count Your Grams of Protein


The majority of research points to having .7

to 1g of protein per lb of body weight


If you’re leaner have the higher end, if you’re

heavier have the lower end


That said it really depends on your goals,

weight & body fat but those are good starting



Spread that out throughout the day to help keep

hunger at bay & keep your body fuelled up if you

prefer, but total amount matters most


Count every single gram of protein you have for

the day and see how close or far away you are

from that goal


Then adjust as you need to


You can track in a paper journal or use an app like

myfitnesspal, whichever you prefer


Protein Chart

Food Timing

Eaten with every meal

Food Amount

2 serving for ladies (size of palm)

2 servings for men  




·         Lean meats such as beef, chicken, turkey, venison, duck

·         Fish such as salmon, tuna, cod, clams, lobster, mussels, mackerel, trout

·         Eggs

·         Dairy such as cottage cheese, 0% fat yogurt*

·         Protein supplements such as whey

*if you can tolerate it

·         Lunch meats, hot dogs, poor quality sausages or rashers, any other processed meats





But Atkins said they make you fat?


And that I should dramatically reduce my intake

or I’ll never get results


The truth is research has shown as long as

you control how much you eat & get protein

right there’s no real difference between high

carb/low fat & low carb/high fat


^^^^read that again


Now let me completely contradict myself.


If you have a lot of weight to lose then from

my experience your body won’t handle carbs as

well as someone who’s more active & leaner


Experiment yourself


What do they do?


Carbs give you energy. They are what fuel your

workouts, particularly intense ones


Low carb means less intense workouts which

could lead to less results. They are also the

preferred fuel of your nervous system(your brain),

so yeah kind of important


Where do I get them?


Potatoes(all kinds), rice, oats, fruits, veggies,

grains & tons of processed foods are all carbs


Obviously processed is less than ideal.


Grains is very individual, some people handle

them well and others don’t


How much do I need?


There’s 2 separate answers that you need for

this one. First is for non starchy carbs

non starchy veggies(broccoli, spinach, salad etc..)

low sugar fruits (berries)


Men — 2 fist sized portions of veggies


Women — 1 fist sized portion of veggies at

every meal


^^^^that part is a minimum & more is better.


Greens, salads etc.. for the win here.


Now for part 2 which applies to starchy carbs

Potatoes, rice, oats, grains, starchy fruits etc…


Men – 1–2 cupped handfuls per meal (40-60g)


Women – 1 cupped handful (20-30g)


^^^^again it’s a starting point


If you have a long way to go then you might keep

the very starchy stuff (oats, potatoes, rice

etc…) for before & after workouts & first thing

in the morning on training days


Like I said this is not essential as your total

amount of food will matter most, but some

people will find they feel better this way


Also given that this method can be inaccurate

if you’re not strict with following the portion

sizes……then basing carbs around activity will

help keep you in check


The rest of the meals without starchy carbs

use low sugar fruits & veggies & some good

fats (that’s coming below)


On non workout days you can cut carbs back

a little & up fats instead if you’d like….again not



As with every tip your individual goals may

alter these recommendations, but it’s a good

starting point


Carbohydrate Chart

Carb Type Examples

When To Eat + Serving Size


·         Veggies(broccoli, kale, spinach, carrots, tomatoes, celery, cucumber, zucchini, beets, lettuce, collards, radish, mushrooms, parsley, peppers, sea vegetables, zucchini, onion, chard, watercress etc..)

·         Peas

·         Fruits such as berries(all types), melon, coconut,  apples, grapefruit etc…

Eat often, and any time of the day(especially veggies)

Whole Food Starchy

·         Yams

·         Pumpkin

·         Sweet Potatoes

·         White Potatoes

·         Quinoa

·         100% Oats

·         Wild Rice

·         Basmati Rice

If very active eat more than once on workout days


Portion guide is the size of your fist

Refined Sugary

·         Desserts

·         Fruit juice

·         Processed foods

·         Fizzy drinks

·         Dried fruits

·         Most commercial nutrition bars

·         Sweets

·         Crisps

·         You should know these ones.

Eat rarely and always after a workout the rare times you do.





Let’s get rid of this myth now


Fats are not bad for you, that myth was caused

by one researcher who played with the results

of his study so that it said what he wanted


Then the whole situation rapidly snow balled


They are essential for you & like protein if you

don’t have them you die


There are a few different types of fats but

to be honest you don’t need to know too

much detail on that


As long as you vary your sources that you

get them from you’ll be just fine


And minimise trans fats from junk food and

you’ll do great


What does it do?


It helps your body absorb vitamins &

nutrients. Helps regulate your hormones &

also helps with brain function….you know

so you’re not stupid


Where do I get it?


Eggs, fish, nuts, nut butters, coconut oil,

grass fed butter, avocado, omega 3 fish oil




How much do I need?


IMPORTANT: Fats are the highest in calories of

the 3 macros, so make sure a thumb size is an

actual thumb size


Men – 2 thumb size portions per meal (20-25g)


Women – 1 thumb size portion (7-12g)


^^^this is a starting point and it depends

on the fat, but for nuts etc this should good.

Avocado you can have a little more


Be careful with nuts & nut butter and make

sure the portion is right as the calories can

escalate quickly


Fat Chart

Food Timing + Serving Size

Ladies serving is the size of your thumb, 2 servings for men

*Using oils mentioned below to cook your Post Workout Meal is of course ok.





·         Animal fats(eggs, dairy, meat, fish)

·         Coconut oil

·         Grass fed unsalted butter

·         Rashers(97% pork or higher)

·         Unsalted nuts(walnuts, macadamias, almonds, cashews, brazil nuts, hazelnuts etc….)

·         Seeds(pumpkin, sunflower, flax, chia)

·         Avocado

·         Extra virgin olive oil

·         Fish Oil(omega 3)

·         Canola oil, hydrogenated oils, imitation butters(if it’s not butter what the hell is it?), vegetable oil




If all of this seems overwhelming at first then

just start with food quality and hydration for

2 weeks


Then get specific on protein once you have that



And just keep adding little pieces at a time


Here’s a sample layout you could use


Week 1: Healthy breakfast every day & hit water

target every day


Week 2: Maintain week 1 habits and also fix dinner

every day


Week 3: Maintain weeks 1 & 2 habits & now cook

double portions of dinner every day and use it for lunch


Week 4: Maintain weeks 1-3 habits & now fix

your snacks


4 weeks of changes that won’t feel overwhelming

in any way at all


But by the end of the 4 weeks you will literally have

changed your whole nutrition and your life


I hope this helped you get a better grip on your

nutrition & how you need to eat to get results


I will be doing a post on how to count calories

as well


You may not ever want to do this, but for those

who do or for those who want to be more accurate

we will cover it


In the meantime you can follow me here vvvvvv