#1 Factor For Getting Results


I bet some of you clicked this thinking I would 

tell you to eat/drink a certain thing


Or maybe you were looking for a magic exercise

that would be the key


That right there is why you need this post


Want to know what the #1 Factor is in your



In whether you’ll lose fat, lose weight, gain

weight, build muscle, get fitter or get to

whatever your goal is?




If you just rolled your eyes or thought

“I don’t need  this”……then you need it the most


If your mindset isn’t right then there will

always be binges you can’t control


There’ll always be guilt when you have so called

“unhealthy” foods or drinks


There will always be good results by torturing

yourself through trying to be perfect and

then a rebound where you lose it all


This is what we’re gonna fix today


I’m gonna give you 4 steps to fix your

mindset for good





Accept this fact


This is without a doubt in my mind the MOST

important step in getting your dream body and

most importantly fixing your health.


A lot of people skip it and dismiss it


“Why would I need to do that?”


Because if you don’t you will always find a way

to bull shit yourself & create excuses



Yup……that’s it.


Stick with me because this can make or break

not just getting results, but more importantly



There is no valid excuse you are going to

give me for where you are now


^^^^^aside from something serious like a

disease…..and even then people have done

amazing things in those cases


Like Arron vvvvvv




Go ahead and try….

“I didn’t have time”

“I was busy with the kids”

“Work was stressful”

“I was too tired to do it”

“I had an injury”


………I could do this all day


All bull shit…..why?


Because the answer to all of them is

exactly the same…


You didn’t prioritise your Health.


Over the kids, work…..EVERYTHING


Sound extreme? Well it’s really not


You need to put yourself first…..and no I don’t

mean neglect those other things, I mean

making time for you


Think about it, how much better is a healthier

version of you for everyone & everything in

that scenario?


Family/Friends — you’re happier, more energized,

can play with the kids for longer, less stressed, not

snapping at people all the time


Work — your concentration levels are up,

productivity is up because you’ve more energy,

maybe some work colleagues get motivated by

you and now you’ve changed someone else’s

life too


So sit down with a pen & paper and do this:


  • Think about where you are now, health, fitness,

weight, happiness, confidence & write it down


  • Now write down what will happen if something

doesn’t change. More health trouble, unhappiness,

lack of confidence, stress, kids start to follow your

lead and they get unhealthy?


  • Take time to look at that page a few times and

let that pain sink in, yes I know it hurts it’s

supposed to. Use it as motivation


  • Now turn the page over and write down where

you would like to be in a years time. Is it a

certain jeans size? Is it less stressed? More

energy? Happier? Fitter? Stronger? Write down

as much detail as humanly possible about what

would make you happy


Last part of Step 1 is to share it with someone


Yup I mean it. Family, friend, spouse, A Coach

(please send it to me if you need someone). It makes you

accountable which will improve your success





So you’re going on holidays, what do you do?


You book something online or through a travel agent


Then you plan a budget to pay it off bit by bit


Or if you paid it all off upfront (posh bastard)

you might put money aside each week/month

for spending money


You have a goal of how much you need to have

a good time


Think about your results the same way


You need a goal to go towards, otherwise you’re

just stumbling down the road like a drunk mess

at 3am


Many a good stumble has been had at 3am,

but that’s a different story


How do you set a goal?


You need to decide what you want




You should have this written down from Step 1



Lose weight?

Drop body fat?

Get stronger?

Do an adventure race?

Get to a certain jeans size?


Once you have this goal you need to set a time



Lets say you want to drop 2-3 jean sizes


Ladies Size 16 to 10, Guys 38 to 32


A realistic time frame would be 12 weeks


That works out to dropping a jean size every 4

weeks, and this is VERY achievable


I won’t bull shit you that will take dedication


Here’s a quick way to track your progress


IMPORTANT: These are general guidelines, how

big or small you are will affect these guidelines


Body Fat Goal


Excellent = dropping 2-3% or more every 6 weeks

Average = dropping 1-2% every 6 weeks

Slow = dropping less than .5% every 6 weeks


Weight Loss Goal


Excellent = dropping 1.5-2 lbs a week

Average = dropping 1lb a week

Slow = dropping less than 1lb a week




If you can’t keep yourself in the average rate of

losing weight/body fat then your goal doesn’t

mean shit to you


Do some fuckin digging & find something that

will motivate you


You have to find something that hurts


You’re frustration at getting nowhere


How much you hate the mirror


The fact that you have no confidence in yourself


You want your partner to take notice again


You just want to be comfortable in your own body


DIG DEEP!!!!!!!


These are just some examples and your goal

may look nothing like this, but the layout

should be similar


The point is YOU NEED A GOAL


So sit down before the day is over and have a

think about what you want your goal to be


Make sure it means something to you


If it’s something you don’t really give a shit

about then you won’t work hard to get it.


WRITE IT DOWN and put it somewhere you’ll

see it every single day


My goal is saved as the background on my

phone, this way I see it every day and a good

few times a day





John “Hannibal” Smith had it right


Genius plans to combat any enemy


If you don’t know, Hannibal is a character from

The A Team who is loosely based around my life


……….awkward silence


If you haven’t seen it then check it out, Liam

Neeson is a bad ass


Anyways I digress(awesome word)


A goal without a plan is just a wish


My friend Shane loves a good plan, he’s an anal

bastard, but he gets shit done


Apart from 2 years ago where he dropped the ball


Let’s look at a plan for someone wanting to drop

some weight/body fat


At the beginning:

-take before photo in as little clothes as possible

Women – sports bra

Men – topless

*but Matt that makes me feel uncomfortable,

no shit that’s the idea. Take that discomfort and

use it as motivation


-get measured, weighed, body fat tested


-do test workouts


Every 2 weeks

-take measurements



Every 4-6 weeks:

-Retake your photo

-Have your body fat checked


Every 8 weeks

-check your fitness

-check strength


You’re plan may not be for this goal, but the

layout should be similar


While we’re here lets really dig in, make your

goal/check-ins public


Tell your family and friends


If only you know then it will be easy to sweep

under the rug if you fail


Telling other people puts pressure on you to

reach it and will 100% inspire someone else


If someone makes fun of you or mocks you then

that person wasn’t your friend anyways


The point is put your goal out there, you never

know who you might inspire to change their own



Goals are outcomes


A plan is great


Behaviours are the real winning ticket


That’s next vvvvvvvvvv





What do people think about in prison?


They think about getting out


And also about trying not to get the shit kicked

out of them


Or about trying to avoid a late night date with a

rather large man named Hector


Getting out of prison is the outcome


How can they get there sooner?


They can focus on good behaviour and try get

an early release.


This is why behaviour goals are just as

important as outcome goals in my eyes


Matt I don’t speak Spanish, break it down for me


Your outcome goal might be to lose 2 sizes in

12 weeks


What’s your behaviour goal? Well you could

have a few


They are the steps you take to accomplish your



Some examples could be


-I will exercise 4 times a week for the next 12



-I will have a healthy breakfast everyday for the

next 12 weeks


-I will only eat junk food once a week


-I will prepare food for the week every Sunday

for the next 12 weeks


Or any number of others depending on your goal


Once you decide


Or you work with a coach who helps you

decide, what your behaviours should be


Then you need to focus on those behaviour



Of course you’ll still have your big outcome

goal in your mind all the time


But you need to focus on daily/weekly

behaviours for real success


Have confidence that those behaviours will get

you there.


Set a Goal


Make A Plan


Decide on behaviours to get you there


This stuff is CRUCIAL before you even talk

about nutrition or training


That’s it folks…..go get after it


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