The X Factors







While everyone is looking for the next quick fix


There are 2 things you can do right now that

don’t cost any money


And are insanely effective when trying to drop

some body fat & improve your health


But most people ignore them


Rest assured if you don’t fix these things the

results will NEVER come and you will always

hit a plateau or massive rebound


These 2 things will also help each other out,

fix one and the other benefits


It feels wrong to call them X Factors because

they should actually be a main focus if you

want results


But the name was catchy…..lets dive in


1. Sleep



The role sleep plays in your results cannot

be emphasised enough


People tend 2 fall into 2 categories:


1. I get loads of sleep but I’m still tired


What’s happening here is the quality of your

sleep is crap OR you’re waking up at the

wrong time


2. 4-5 hours is enough for me


This is just not enough for anyone, you might

think it is… are going to learn a very harsh

lesson the hard way if you don’t fix it


First up why is sleep so important?


Sleep effects your hormones more than

anything else, if your hormones are not 

functioning properly its means fat loss, health

& any sort of good performance will be damn

hard if not impossible


Not only does it effect hormones, it makes it

harder to make good decisions but poor

sleep has also been shown to increase your

risk for disease


On a more basic level, lack of sleep makes it

harder to focus & makes making good decisions

much more difficult


When you’re tired you’re gonna pick whatever

is easiest, this goes for everyone


So here are some sleep tips:


⇒Aim for 7.5 hours a night, get 9 hours some

nights if you can. Waking up at the start/end

of a 90 minute sleep cycle will leave you feeling

more fresher. Think about times you’ve gotten 

8 hours and felt crap, but 7 and a half and felt



⇒Cut the caffeine 6-8 hours before bed


⇒Make your room as dark as possible, even

tiny lights can affect your quality of sleep


⇒No electronics in bed and preferably none

30-60 mins before bed


⇒The more hours you get before 12 the better

you will feel


⇒Listen to white noise before you sleep, you can

download songs or get a white noise machine. I

just downloaded songs think rain fall, airplane

noise, hair dryer etc….


⇒Check your mattress, if it’s too soft and your body

is sagging in the middle it will be detrimental to 

your health and sleep. Changeing every 5-7 years

seems to be the consensus, I got mine here vvvvvv


⇒There are of course supplements you can get but

I think fixing these basic things is more important

for most people


You’ll here a lot of people wear their lack of sleep

as a badge of honour……..”I’m a hustler” or



You’re not a hustler you’re an idiot


Enjoy destroying your health



2. Stress



The effects of stress are very similar if not

the same as sleep on your body


It messes with your hormones making progress

very difficult 


And can lead to very serious mental health issues

if it’s not dealt with, seriously it needs to be dealt with


People find different ways to do deal with it & you

need to find which works best for you


⇒Working Out/Training

Apart from the obvious health benefits, the release

of endorphins from working out will help relieve




As little as 10-15 minutes can make an unbelievable



⇒Playing instruments

If you’re musical you know that sitting down for

10-15 mins and playing an instrument will distract

you from anything & can take you to a completely

different place


⇒Listening to music

I DARE YOU to put on a song you love & sing as

loud as you can & tell me it doesn’t change your



⇒Breathing Drills/Meditation

By far my favourite is doing 7-10 minutes of



Download the breathing app or headspace or

10% happier or something similar


Find somewhere quiet and off ya go


Do that every day even if you don’t feel

stressed because the benefits are unbelievable


And please don’t be this person vvvvvvv


I just live in a stressful house, or have a

stressful job, or I’m just a stressful person


^^^^^^that’s bull shit


Deal with it now or your health and Mental

Health will suffer greatly


2 very overlooked factors that are free to fix

and can have a MASSIVE impact on your



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